
Run simulated transactions to validate your integration.

To ensure your integration functions correctly for payouts across various methods—such as cards, bank accounts, and other payment options—simulate transactions in the staging environment using special values without moving real money. This allows you to validate your setup thoroughly.

We provide payout details for successful transactions (the "happy path"). Additionally, in supported countries and for eligible services, we offer specific details designed to simulate various validation failures, helping you test and handle different error scenarios.

How to use the test data

The data should be submitted to the Store Attributes Endpoint. Upon successful submission, the endpoint will return an attr_set_token. This token must then be passed to the Initiate Payout Endpoint. Depending on the credentials provided, the response will either indicate a successful transaction or return a validation error. These test details will only work on the staging environment. They will not be processed properly on the production environment.

Banking Details

Happy Path details:

CountryPayer NamePayout Details
United StatesNext Day Bank DepositAccount Number: 13849130 Routing Number: 021000021
United StatesSame Day Bank DepositAccount Number: 13849131 Routing Number: 021000021
United StatesRTP - Real Time PaymentsAccount Number: 13849132 Routing Number: 021000021
United StatesInstant PayDebit Card Number: 4716539032781209 Debit Card Billing Zip Code: 89149 Debit Card Expiration Date: 2030-12
United StatesZelleZelle Account: 3101111111
CanadaBank Deposit CANAccount Number: 13849133 Transit Number: 00000 Institution Number: 177
CanadaInteracInterac E-mail Address: test@masspay.io

Declined payout details:

CountryPayer NamePayout DetailsDecline ReasonStage of Failure
United StatesNext Day Bank DepositAccount Number: 13849134 Routing Number: 021000022Validation errorInitiate payout
United StatesNext Day Bank DepositAccount Number: 13849130 Routing Number: 021000022Validation errorCommit payout
United StatesSame Day Bank DepositAccount Number: 13849135 Routing Number: 021000022Validation errorInitiate payout
United StatesSame Day Bank DepositAccount Number: 13849131 Routing Number: 021000022Validation errorCommit payout
United StatesRTP - Real Time PaymentsAccount Number: 13849136 Routing Number: 021000022Validation errorInitiate payout
United StatesRTP - Real Time PaymentsAccount Number: 13849132 Routing Number: 021000022Validation errorCommit payout
United StatesInstant PayDebit Card Number: 4716539032781211 Debit Card Billing Zip Code: 89149 Debit Card Expiration Date: 2030-12Validation errorInitiate payout
United StatesInstant PayDebit Card Number: 4716539032781210 Debit Card Billing Zip Code: 89149 Debit Card Expiration Date: 2030-12Validation errorCommit payout
United StatesZelleZelle Account: 7021111110Validation errorInitiate payout
United StatesZelleZelle Account: 7021111111Validation errorCommit payout
CanadaBank Deposit CANAccount Number: 13849131 Transit Number: 00000 Institution Number: 178Validation errorInitiate payout
CanadaBank Deposit CANAccount Number: 13849133 Transit Number: 00000 Institution Number: 178Validation errorCommit payout
CanadaInteracInterac E-mail Address: testdeclineinitiate@masspay.ioValidation errorInitiate payout
CanadaInteracInterac E-mail Address: testdecline@masspay.ioValidation errorCommit payout

Crypto Details

Happy Path details:

CurrencyPayout Details
BTCWallet Address: n4VQ5YdHf7hLQ2gWQYYrcxoE5B7nWuDFNF

Declined payout details:

CurrencyPayout DetailsDecline ReasonStage of Failure
BTCWallet Address: n4VQ5YdHf7hLQ2gWQYYrcxoE5B7nWuDFN1Validation errorInitiate payout
BTCWallet Address: n4VQ5YdHf7hLQ2gWQYYrcxoE5B7nWuDFN0Validation errorCommit payout