Status Webhooks

There is support for initiating a webhook to an https URL every time there is a status update to one of the payout transactions. In order to enable this feature, please provide a webhook URL to your account representative or set it in your client dashboard.

The webhook will include an HMAC SHA 512 value which is passed in the X-MassPay-Signature header. The header would have the following format: "t=TIMESTAMP,s=HMAC_VALUE". The HMAC_VALUE would be the HMAC computation of the TIMESTAMP|payload from the POST request.
The secret for the webhook signature can be obtained through the API section in the client dashboard.

The URL will receive a POST request with the following payload format for every status change for a transaction:

  "payout_token": "payout_ba4275f2-bae1-488d-9d6f-20af1cd83574",
  "client_transfer_id": "aEjn345",
  "source_currency_code": "USD",
  "destination_currency_code": "MXN",
  "source_token": "clnt_wlt_ba4275f2-bae1-488d-9d6f-20af1cd83574",
  "destination_token": "dst_d2138fd0-00be-45a8-985f-4f5bde500962",
  "destination_amount": 100.5,
  "source_amount": 100.5,
  "attr_set_token": "attr_set_b1a867c1-6e36-4525-b6d5-a20bac80e3b0",
  "exchange_rate": 18.55,
  "fee": 2.99,
  "expiration": "2019-10-30T05:40:58.475Z",
  "status": "PENDING",
  "status_reason": "Beneficiary information is incorrect",
  "event_type": "payout"
  "load_token": "ld_ba4275f2-bae1-488d-9d6f-20af1cd83574",
  "time_of_load": "2019-10-24T22:54:54.793Z",
  "client_load_id": "aEjn345",
  "source_token": "usr_wlt_ba4275f2-bae1-488d-9d6f-20af1cd83574",
  "wallet_token": "usr_wlt_ba4275f2-bae1-488d-9d6f-20af1cd83574",
  "amount": 100.5,
  "source_currency_code": "USD",
  "notes": "Commission payment for July",
  "status": "COMPLETED",
  "event_type": "load"
  "spendback_token": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
  "client_spendback_id": "aEjn345",
  "status": "success",
  "event_type": "spendback"
  "user_token": "usr_123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
  "new_status": "LOCKED",
  "previous_status": "ACTIVE",
  "event_type": "user_status_update"
    "status": "success",
    "verification": {
        "id": "d73bf06a-1c5b-499c-ab54-5ad680a64543",
        "code": 9121,
        "person": {
            "gender": "M",
            "lastName": "MOUSE",
            "addresses": [
                    "fullAddress": "1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20500 UNITED STATES",
                    "parsedAddress": {
                        "city": "WASHINGTON",
                        "street": "PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE",
                        "country": "UNITED STATES",
                        "postcode": "20500",
                        "houseNumber": "1600"
            "firstName": "MICKEY",
            "dateOfBirth": "2007-03-09",
            "nationality": "US"
        "reason": "Attempted deceit, device screen used",
        "status": "review",
        "comments": [],
        "document": {
            "type": "ID_CARD",
            "number": "123456DISNEY",
            "country": "US",
            "validFrom": "2021-12-22",
            "validUntil": "2031-12-21"
        "reasonCode": 504,
        "vendorData": "usr_123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
        "decisionTime": "2024-03-28T22:12:26.339342Z",
        "acceptanceTime": "2024-03-28T22:11:30.149961Z",
        "additionalVerifiedData": {}
    "technicalData": {
        "ip": ""
    "event_type": "veriff"